
Our aim in producing this publication is to assist and inform our senior society members as well as to draw attention to the daily issues affecting the over 55's; our own parents, grandparents, friends and neighbours. Australian statistics show that we have an 'ageing population'. There are more people living longer and therefore their requirements, problems, rights and expectations are finally gaining more focus.. You can view all of our editions by following the links opposite.


We need to acknowledge the over 55's value and contributions to our community. After all….


"Where they are now, we shall all one day be"



Thoughts on Wisdom


According to research, although the brain slows down with age, this simply helps older men and women develop greater insight. The reason for this is that, unlike the young, the elderly's brains are not ruled by the chemicals that fuel emotion and impulse. So their slower responses really are more thoughtful and 'wiser'. What older people lose in reaction times, they make up for in better decision-making. Older people are less affected by dopamine, which helps signals pass between neurons and is involved in the reward system of the brain.


The fact that older people are slower to respond than younger people is widely seen as a disadvantage. But that's not always the case. The elderly brain is less dopamine- dependent, making people less impulsive and controlled by emotion. Older people are also less likely to respond thoughtlessly to negative emotional stimuli because their brains have slowed down compared to younger people.


This, in fact is what we call wisdom

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Phone: 1300 153 450
Admin Email: contact@seniorssupport.com.au