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About Seniors Support Magazine


Our aim in producing this publication is to assist and inform our senior society members as well as to draw attention to the daily issues affecting the over 55's. No matter what term is used; whether it be Aged, Elderly or Community Patriarch, we are all active, contributing citizens making the most out of our time and health.



Seniors Support e-magazine will supply up to date, relevant and topical articles that affect all the over 55's. We are passionate about this segment of our community because it is under represented in most areas of media, local and national government. We Hope that you will find some interest in our articles whether you are young, a senior, elderly......... or young at heart !

Auatralia has a rapidly aging population and the implications run far and wide. Through our articles we hope to examine some of the benefits and pitfalls of an aging population.

Contact Us

Phone: 1300 153 450
Admin Email: contact@seniorssupport.com.au